Mystery Looms: BAC Bank, SUSD, and a Government Watch List

209 TimesSan Joaquin County, Stockton Leave a Comment

Mystery Looms: BAC Bank, SUSD, and a Government Watch List 

STOCKTON- On March 7, 2024 BAC Community Bank Vice President Eddie Lira was forcibly removed from a charity event after initiating what turned into a physical altercation with 209 Times publisher Motecouzma Sanchez.  “Prior to me being forced to hit Eddie Liar in the face, I had zero idea who he was or why he was so angry at me. It makes me wonder if Eddie was furious 209 Times has been exposing his political friends who are suspected in financial crimes and public corruption”.  


It now appears Lira’s inexplicable rage may also have something to do with BAC’s relationship with the embattled Stockton Unified School District (SUSD). 

Unbeknownst to Sanchez at the time Lira assaulted him, back on October 5, 2023 Lira wrote to SUSD that a “signer” on their “Cafeteria Fund ending in 8255 came up on the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Specially Designated Nationals List (SDN). OFAC, a division of the US Department of the Treasury, administers and enforces economic sanctions programs primarily against countries and groups of individuals, such as terrorists and narcotics traffickers and can also include cybercrime and money laundering”. 

SUSD has refused to provide us a copy of this letter, hiding behind the legal advice of the F3 law firm, which corrupt Trustee Flores hand selected to work for the SUSD board. However, they have confirmed the letter exists. We have been provided a copy by a whistleblower who believes this is of great community concern. 

According to a May 16, 2024 statement 209 Times received from the Stockton Unified School District’s F3 legal counsel, Eddie Lira’s letter to SUSD contains “false, inaccurate information” and was an “error on BAC’s part”.  SUSD or BAC have yet to explain how or why such an egregious “error” could occur. 

According to numerous SUSD sources, the signer in question was a high level administrator and a close friend of  SUSD trustee AngelAnn Flores who herself is being charged with four felonies including theft of public funds from SUSD. 209 Times has been told the administrator once worked for SUSD but abruptly quit while working under then superintendent John Ramirez. The person in question was then immediately hired by Stockton Cabal backed, County Superintendent Troy Brown to audit SUSD’s past financials.  A trusted SUSD source familiar with this scenario told 209 Times that Brown’s hiring decision “was the equivalent of hiring the fox to watch the henhouse.” Troy Brown has also refused to provide a statement.

In the midst of an extensive 209 Times investigation, on June 18, 2024 attorney Mark Bowman threatened 209 Times with litigation as an apparent attempt to silence us from reporting on this unresolved controversy between BAC and SUSD.  Bowman demanded that 209 Times retract their story (that had yet been written) and refused to identify whom his client even was, only referring to him or her as “the plaintiff”. 

Bowman previously represented Brando Villapudua in a failed bogus restraining order scheme to silence 209 Times after Motecuzoma Sánchez beat him in court despite not being a lawyer himself. Bowman is currently co-representing AngelAnn Flores along with former prosecutor turned criminal defense attorney, Tori Verber Salazar.   

SUSD Trustee Angelann Flores was arrested on April 22, 2024 and is currently facing four charges, including grand theft of money, theft of public funds, embezzlement by a public official, and insurance fraud.  

SUSD, Flores, Bowman and Salazar have all refused to provide 209 Times a statement regarding a recent incident where Trustee Flores was served with a 14 day stay-away order from the Merlo Institute of Environmental Technology for reportedly causing a disturbance because a teacher’s spouse had posted something negative about her on social media. Sources tell us she got into an altercation with a student in front of the entire class during the incident. 

We have reached out to Edie Lira for clarification on how such an ”error” could be made, but have received no response from him, board member and past president, William “Bill” Trezza, or anyone with the financial institution. 

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