Attempted Kidnapping of Student in North Stockton

209 TimesSan Joaquin County, Stockton Leave a Comment

STOCKTON- Today student reported to police they were almost kidnapped by a stranger who was stalking them yesterday afternoon. Officials from Lincoln Unified confirmed the attack and released the following announcement:

”This is a safety advisory for our Lincoln families.

Today a student reported an incident that occurred yesterday while walking home at approximately 3:30 pm.  The student reported being followed by a man in a black SUV in the vicinity of Alexandria Place and Meadow Avenue.  After trying to evade the driver by taking detours, the student began to run and a man jumped out of the car and attempted to grab the student.  The student bit the man and he ran away. 

The man is described as a white male, in his thirties, balding and with an athletic build.  He was wearing a clean white shirt and navy blue pants.  We are working closely with law enforcement to gather further information about this alarming event.  

Please encourage your student to walk in groups whenever possible and remain alert to their surroundings.  Report any anything unusual to the police or a trusted adult immediately.  The safety of our students, families and staff is our primary concern.  We will always work to bring you information about critical events that may affect the safety of our community.  If you have any information about this incident, please contact the Stockton Police Department at 937-8377.”

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