District Attorney Ron Freitas Uncovers Alleged Fraud Allegedly Involving Former DA Tori Verber 

209 TimesSan Joaquin County, Stockton Leave a Comment

District Attorney Ron Freitas Uncovers Alleged Fraud Allegedly Involving Former DA Tori Verber 

Disgraced former District Attorney Tori Verber Salazar is in the news again. Last week she was in the news for representing disgraced former SUSD board president Angelann Flores who was caught stealing public money from the school district she was elected to represent while pretending to be a “whistleblower” accusing everyone else of “fraud”. Flores was arrested on 4 felony charges for the theft of public funds and also insurance fraud. Verber is her attorney along with attorney Mark Bowman, who was embarrassed in court by Motecuzoma Sanchez who represented himself when accused child molester Brando Villapudua tried to get a restraining order against him to stop 209 Times from reporting on him. Instead of explaining why her client stole money intended for children, Verber made several wild statements including allegations against the Sheriff and District Attorney to “retaliate” against Flores for being “honest”. 

Well, now today one of Verber’s former employees is implicating her in allegations of fraud while she was the District Attorney. In a statement today, current DA Ron Freitas’ office placed the suspect on leave, stating:

“Today, District Attorney Ron Freitas alerted the California Department of Insurance and the Office of the California Attorney General to the findings of potential fraud uncovered in the handling of the Auto Insurance Fraud Grant Program dating back to 2017 under the prior District Attorney’s Administration.

The Auto Insurance Fraud Grant Program would furnish District Attorney’s Offices across the state monies to cover: Attorney’s Fees, Investigators, Paralegals and other related costs in conjunction with the investigation and prosecution of Auto Insurance Fraud.

While performing an audit for the 2024 Auto Insurance Fraud Grant Application, it was discovered that an Investigator within the San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office had been allegedly falsifying time sheet information in order to justify the District Attorney’s Office Receipt of Grant Funds. This Investigator has been placed on paid administrative leave pending further investigation. When confronted with the alleged fraudulent time sheet information, the investigator in question provided information showing that the alleged fraud had been committed at the urging of leadership in the prior administration of the San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office. San Joaquin County District Attorney Investigators are currently conducing an internal affairs investigation of the alleged fraud.

District Attorney Ron Freitas has also initiated an internal audit of the Auto Insurance Fraud Grant Program dating back to 2017 to review what funds may have been fraudulently received, along with asking the San Joaquin County Auditor’s Office to conduct it’s own audit. He has also notified both the San Joaquin County Administrator and the County Board of Supervisors of the alleged fraud.

‘We pledge to cooperate fully with the California Department of Insurance, the Office of the Attorney General and the San Joaquin County Auditor’s Office, to ascertain any wrongdoing, and return any monies that were fraudulently received by this Office via the Auto Insurance Fraud Grant Program’, said District Attorney Freitas. ‘As soon as the alleged fraud was uncovered, we notified the California Department of Insurance, along with the Office of the Attorney General, in order to help correct the wrong that was committed and ensure that our Office is ran with the highest ethical standards.’

This is a developing story.

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