STOCKTON- Former field worker who lead groundbreaking educational initiatives in hometown named acting Superintendent at Stockton Unified
The Stockton Unified School District has appointed John Ramirez Jr., a former field worker turned Harvard Graduate and 25-plus year school administrator, as Stockton’s acting interim superintendent.
Mr. Ramirez brings a wealth of experience in as education with a proven record of leading troubled districts to salvation and solvency. As Alisal Union School District Superintendent, he took the failing district from State Receivership to become one of the highest performing Title I districts in the state.
- In 2012, Ramirez. Jr. led the struggling Alisal Union School District out of State Conservatorship a year earlier than scheduled.
- He rallied a divided community, staff and faculty to achieve its goal of raising API scores from the lowest in the region to be listed among the highest in the state for Title I schools.
- He implemented 1:1 technology initiatives that set up the school district’s students to have 100% connectivity with distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, current AUSD superintendent Jim Koenig credited Ramirez Jr. with laying the foundation for the District’s successful distance learning response.
“The district launched its one-to-one educational technology initiative in 2013 under John Ramirez Jr. when it opened Monte Bella Elementary School with all students being provided individual devices,” AUSD Superintendent Jim Koenig said. “The program grew to 100% of students district-wide three years ago.” (
- He piloted a free breakfast and meal program for all students that culminated in District-wide distribution of three free meals a day to all children age 1-18.
- Before he left his post, Ramirez was praised publicly by current Monterey County Office of Education Superintendent Dr. Deenen Guss.
“A few years ago, John Ramirez had a vision to begin this professional learning community, with the dream of inspiring colleagues across the county to come together and share best practices to support our English learners,” said Dr. Guss. “We want to thank you for your visionary leadership for getting this very important work started.”
The district in Stockton has many similar challenges that can benefit from his leadership and experience.
Comments 3
Please report the other “press” on this guy. You guys tout to be truth finders and transparent. Are we going to ignore he resigned under sexual harassment and credit card fraud from this district. If this were Deasy or Tubbs you guys would be all over this. Where do your allegiance lay? Kids or board members?
Obviously your reporting is slanted. Please do every 209 resident the favor of researching your “news”. Tell us more about this man: What about the sexual harassment? How did that get resolved? What about the use of company credit cards for personal purchases? Go ask teachers at his past district what they thought. Put in the leg work. The district has a huge impact on the future of Stockton. Why do superintendents keep leaving? I’d love to know that truth. Make the community better. We need a long term superintendent. You are the truth tellers… Go find it!
Where did he work since Alisal and under what circumstances did he leave?