Lincoln Unified Teacher Caught Labeling Student With Racist Slur
Parents at Sierra Middle School are calling for a teacher, Kelly Elizabeth Nordstrom, to be fired for allegedly using a racist slur to label the only Black student in class. According to parents we spoke to, students in the class saw the teacher’s private seating chart with notes next to each student’s picture. The students reportedly confronted Nordstrom about writing “N*gger” next to their classmate’s photo and she explained that she heard the student using the word himself. Whether or not the student was using the word as a result of a billion dollar music/entertainment industry promoting the ignorant proliferation of the word far greater than the Ku Klux Klan could have ever hoped for ( an “ER” and “A” ending is the EXACT same word), that does not excuse a professional teacher using the term to label any student as such.
According to sources, Nordstrom offered a formal apology and the principal, Scott Tatum whose public email is [email protected], sent out a statement saying he’d “investigate”, but can’t discuss.
Not only has the teacher not been fired, undoubtedly as a result of her garbage teacher union most likely protecting her, but on Wednesday night, the Lincoln school board, whose members are endorsed and supported by the Lincoln Unified teachers’ union known as LUTA, had on the agenda a resolution to approve a list of teachers to teach outside their credential area, which included Nordstrom.
Parents showed up to speak out and hold those board members accountable, forcing them to remove Nordstrom from the resolution.
Lincoln Unified Teachers Association (LUTA) [email protected].
Here is a list of the LUTA backed board members are included in this post. We remind the public that any and all members of LUTA and Stockton Unified’s STA teacher unions who have continued to endorse and campaign for politicians backed by the Stockton Cabal, even supporting accused child abusers like Angelann Flores, are automatic targets of exposure for any wrongdoing. All information provided to us will be kept confidential.