TRACY- The police department has announced that one of their “part time professional staff members” , we’ve identified as Bill Dishman, has been relieved of his duties. Those duties included, ironically, being the person responsible for investigating complaints against officers as the Internal Affairs investigator as the Professional Standards officer.
Dishman also appears to have retired from a long career with the San Jose Police Department.
Tracy PD says he is relieved of all duties pending an investigation…that he would normally perform.
The move came after he was reported for making threats online in a Facebook group of law enforcement members.
Comments 2
You should truly do your homework before assuming this man’s words in anyway are hurtful or threatening. He’s got an exemplary history in 30 plus years in law enforcement and a true loyal citizen . Nothing is worse than assuming the news has the accurate details. I read facts not assume what the media says as accurate. I know him for over 40 years and he’s the most kind, honest and private person I know. His transparency speaks for itself. He has nothing to hide. He is a proud man with a flawless history of serving the public in an honorable way. Billy Dishman can be trusted and adored by many as he has dedicated his life in helping his fellow man.
What a douche. Way to represent for the Tracy PD, Billy.