PG&E May Shut Power to San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties Wednesday

209 TimesModesto, San Joaquin County, Stanislaus County, Stockton, Tracy 10 Comments

CALIFORNIA- PG&E is warning it could shut power off to 30 counties including San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties this upcoming Wednesday October 9th due to a wildfire warning issued by the National Weather Service.

The full list of counties:

Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Contra Costa, El Dorado, Glenn, Lake, Mariposa, Mendocino, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Shasta, Sierra, Solano, Sonoma, Stanislaus, Tehama, Tuolumne, Yolo and Yuba.


PG&E may proactively turn off power for safety

Weather conditions, including potential fire risk, have been forecast that may impact electric service to portions of our service area. If a decision is made to turn off power, we expect to start turning off power for safety as outlined below. If you live in these communities, PG&E will attempt to contact you via telephone, text and email.

Please check back for the latest information as the area and number of customers impacted are updated as weather conditions change.

Outages (weather event plus restoration time) could last longer than 48 hours. For planning purposes, PG&E suggests customers prepare for outages that could last several days.

Comments 10

  1. What do you think all of us customer are supposed to do with the food in our refrigerator and freezers.? I don’t have the money to replace these items that will be ruined. You need to find a better solution then putting the burden on your customers. And this may happens several times a year. I live pay check to check . Replacing my food several times a year is in heard of.

  2. I live in Stockton and ummmmm I would not consider it a wildfire risk and if my electricity is shut off I hope PGE is prepared to pay for the 200 dollars in frozen food I have. This is rediculous the lines should be checked before not during or after they just don’t want anymore lawsuits but I am thinking if they turn of residential areas not in wildlife areas they are bound to get more suits then they want

  3. Would like notice if power to be shut off. Thank you.
    We are in our eighties with allergies and breathing difficulties, but no equipment needed for survival.
    Thank you for keeping us safe from fires such as Paradise.
    Why isn’t Sierra Club being held responsible since they wouldn’t allow lumber industry to cut more trees or take out damaged ones that were left for fuel?

  4. That is so unfair of PG&E to do this just because they were at fault at that last fire so now we are being punished unfair to the elderly who cannot afford a generator to keep oxygen tanks operating

  5. Please advise ASAP
    Prior to shut off of power in the Stockton ca area
    To prepare emergency genorater
    Due to medical conditions.
    Thank you very much
    The Trujillo family
    Stockton ca

  6. this is bull shit. quit giving bonus to all the higher ups. save the money it for emergenies. Keep up
    maintains. Why should be suffer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have breathing problems..

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