CENTRAL VALLEY- According to an extensive study done by Apartment List, Stockton ranks as the worst city in the USA for having the highest percentage of its population that has to commute to work and the amount of time traveling to get there.
11.2% of Stockton relies on work in the Bay Area to make ends meet including the 10% who are classified as super commuters”. The average “super commuter” travels 1.5 hours each way daily.
Modesto ranks a close second behind with 8.7% of its population commuting to the Bay for work.
Both cities also have the highest percentage of increase of commuters since the last study done in 2005.
Comments 1
Trucks are a big problem. The cars way out number the trucks and while going up the Altamont you’ll see them using even the fast lane. They need to be restricted to the right lane only in these troubled areas.