Stockton Ranks Among Most Dangerous Cities in America

209 TimesCalifornia, San Joaquin County, Stockton 8 Comments

STOCKTON- Despite tax increases that promised to hire more police, raising tens of million more dollars each year, Stockton ranks as one of the tenth most dangerous cities in America. has published a study that ranks Stockton as the tenth most dangerous city in the USA and the most dangerous in California.

10. Stockton, California
> 2018 violent crime rate: 1,399.6 per 100,000 people
> 2018 homicides: 33
> Poverty rate: 22.4%
> 2018 unemployment rate: 6.9%

Of the five California cities to rank on this list, Stockton is the most dangerous. There were 4,383 violent crimes reported in the city in 2018 — or about 1,400 for every 100,000 people. The city’s robbery rate of 385 incidents per 100,000 people and aggravated assault rate of 943 per 100,000 each ranks as the eighth highest among U.S. cities”.

Like most cities on this list, economic opportunities are relatively limited in Stockton. An average of 6.9% of the labor force in the city were out of a job in 2018, well above the 3.9% national unemployment rate.

Watchdogs have charged that the Measure A tax passed back in 2012 by voters to raise the sales tax has not been used as promised, but diverted to the financial reserves to save for rising pensions that were not addressed in the city’s historic 2012 bankruptcy. Despite more taxes being paid, austerity has become the norm with city services being scaled back while Mayor Michael Tubbs touts the city as being “fiscally sound”.

Tubbs also promised to lower crime rates when he ran for mayor in 2016, saying he was “the only candidate with a comprehensive plan”. In reaction to the rising crime that increased when he became mayor he initiated a controversial program known as Advance Peace, dubbed as Cash for Criminals, that was meant to target suspected violent shooters and pay them a monthly stipend of $500 to turn their lives around. Instead violent crime has risen even more.

The results of the study can be seen here. Violent crime has risen every single year consecutively since Tubbs became mayor. While the rankingS of this study use results from 2018, 2019 has been proven even more dangerous for Stockton residents with violent crimes like homicide and rape increasing double digits. Mayor Tubbs is running for re-election with the vote in March 2019.

Comments 8

  1. Brian Davalos just won Best Attorney in San Joaquin County. He needs to be Mayor if Stockton. Throw Tubbs deep in the trash, and get a real man to fix the city.
    Stockton needs a “White Knight”, and it’s Brian Davalos.

    Oh Well, there’s always the next Politician (??) ya’all can believe and Vote in as Mayor who will Solve All Your Problems??????‍♂️‼️

  3. I’m so glad I got out of Stockton 30 years ago. My children are alive and well. I moved because they couldn’t walk to the store without someone else trying to beat them up. I believe that my children are alive because I moved away from there.

  4. City Of Stockton isn’t The problem. It’s The People Who Are Coming Into This City. And Unemployment?? There’s a lot & Many Places Hiring But Some People Don’t Want to Work For Minimum Wage.. Right Now There’s Every Where & Any Where Hiring!!! I’m So Tired Of Hearing Crap About Stockton!!!! I Say If You Don’t Wanna Live Here Move Somewhere Else!!

    1. Bad idea the crime rate is increasing as the word has gotten out that 500 a month helps those criminals get free compensations yet they still commit crimes???

  5. The reputation, and this new report on Stockton, continues to present challenges for the admissions department at the University of Pacific. Ya think?

  6. Stockton has its pros and cons like any other city in the world.
    Leave Stockton alone.
    If you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen.

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