Michael Tubbs and Daniel Lopez allegedly avoiding legal service in Federal Civil RICO lawsuit By Frank Gayaldo Attorney Cyrus Zal from Folsom, California has given the following written statement to 209 Times: “Michael Tubbs and Daniel Lopez have not been cooperating with accomplishing the service of the Government App Solutions lawsuit on them, and I can say that they have been …
Sac Bee Publishes Disinformation By Tubbs’ Unemployed Assistant, Accusing 209 Times of “Disinformation”
The Sacramento Bee publishes a diatribe of disinformation, blaming the free press for Michael Tubbs’ loss, alleging “disinformation”- written by his own former “public information officer”. STOCKTON- Former Michael Tubbs’ former public information officer, Daniel Lopez’s argument that Tubbs lost to “disinformation” is based on “disinformation”. Prior to working for Tubbs, Lopez worked for former Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson. The …
New Book Alleges Michael Tubbs/Kevin Johnson Under FBI Investigation
STOCKTON- Is the FBI investigating Mayor Michael Tubbs and his assistant, Daniel Lopez? Derek Bluford, a self-proclaimed former “confidential human source” for the FBI and author of “The Mighty Have Fallen: The Inside Story of the FBI’s Investigation into Political Corruption” (available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Mighty-Have-Fallen-Investigation-Corruption/dp/1734763736) is alleging Mayor Michael Tubbs and his assistant, Daniel Lopez, whom worked previously for former Sacramento Mayor …