STOCKTON- Months after infamously failing to accommodate their own dying nurse’s disability, Kaiser’s CEO unexpectedly dies. Bernard Tyson, Kaiser Permanente’s $16 million plus a year CEO, has died unexpectedly in his sleep on November 10th according to the health care giant. Over the course of the last several months, 209 Times has sent numerous requests to Kaiser CEO Bernard Tyson …
Kaiser VP Corwin Harper Claims Kaiser Didn’t Require Sick Nurse to Work While in Wheelchair
STOCKTON- Central Valley Kaiser Vice President Corwin N. Harper has refused to answer numerous emails in regards to Nurse Edith Fillon’s grievances. But with public pressure mounting, he finally responded to a media request with a carefully crafted response that read in part: “We can confirm that Kaiser Permanente did not require or request Ms. Fillon to work while using …
149 Days After Denial, Kaiser Decides Own Nurse’s Brain Tumor is “Serious Medical Condition” After All
STOCKTON- On 3/8/2019, Edith Fillon received a form letter from Kaiser’s National HR, ostensibly dated 3/1/19. (The envelope was dated 3/6/19). Edith’s 10/11/18 denied leave request “for your own serious illness” that originally was deemed as not “meeting the definition of a serious health condition” has now been “REVISED” with her eligibility now being “determined based on the information available …